PeerRef introduces crowd peer review

PeerRef now offers crowd peer review

We want to improve peer review to make it more helpful to authors and the research community. Peer review is typically conducted by two referees, independently of each other. We know that this approach can work, but it also has limitations and can take hours of an individuals time. So we’re experimenting with innovative peer review models. Referees can now choose to conduct our standard or crowd peer review formats.

What is crowd peer review?

Crowd peer review is where multiple referees read the manuscript and review it together. Each referee contributes to the review by adding comments and feedback to a shared crowd peer review form. The crowd peer review will be published on the PeerRef platform and assigned a DOI. Each co-reviewer can sign the review.

Crowd peer review can be conducted in different ways. For example, Co-reviewers can assess the manuscript and add their comments asynchronously. Alternatively, crowd peer review could be conducted at a lab meeting, giving all lab members an opportunity to engage with peer review.

In PeerRef’s peer review process, a crowd peer review will be equivalent to one standard peer review.

What are the benefits of crowd peer review?

  • Rapid turnaround and reduced workload — With multiple researchers participating in the same review, thorough reviews can be completed faster than standard peer review.

  • Rigorous — There is a greater chance of spotting errors because multiple experts assess the same manuscript. Crowd reviewers will also be able to discuss their peer review feedback which could lead to more considered and constructive reviews.

  • Teaching and learning opportunities — Crowd peer review gives early career researchers the opportunity to engage in peer review. Senior researchers can share their peer review expertise with early career researchers who are new to peer review or have limited experience.

  • Recognition — All co-reviewers will have the opportunity to co-sign the review. PeerRef publish reviews and assign DOIs to them so that they are citable and sharable. Reviews can get credit for their contributions and share their output with funders and institutions.

How to crowd review with PeerRef

Referees invited to review a preprint will have the option of the standard peer review form or a link to a crowd peer review form, which they share with co-reviewers. Researchers can register to become a PeerRef referee by clicking the button below.

We’re excited to offer crowd peer review and looking forward to publishing the reviews!


PeerRef offers anonymous peer review with PREreview 


What is peer review?