Publisher partnerships

We make partnerships with publishers

Our goal is to create a single point of peer review in the publishing process. We publish peer review reports that authors can send to partner journals alongside their verified preprint. This simplifies the publishing process for editors and researchers.

  • Editors don’t need to organise peer review

  • Researchers don’t need to repeat peer review at successive journrals

Editors of partner journals consider PeerRef’s peer review reports. Editors can:

  • Accept and publish without further peer review

  • Consider the peer review reports and request revisions or further peer review

Our publisher partnerships

  • JMIRx Med is an innovative overlay journal to MedRxiv and JMIR Preprints. It publishes Peer-reviewed preprints as the "version of record".

    JMIRx Med publishes all research that qualifies for preprinting on MedRxiv.

    Preprints that have already been peer-reviewed PeerRef do not require further peer-review (at the editors' discretion).

    There is no article processing charge paid directly by authors for this journal.

    For verified manuscripts submit here:

  • JMIRx Bio is an innovative overlay journal to MedRxiv and JMIR Preprints. It publishes Peer-reviewed preprints as the "version of record".

    JMIRx Bio publishes all research that qualifies for preprinting on bioRxiv.

    Preprints that have already been peer-reviewed PeerRef do not require further peer-review (at the editors' discretion).

    There is no article processing charge paid directly by authors for this journal.

    For verified manuscripts submit here:

  • The Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) is a leading digital health journal and the largest journal in the field.

    The journal focuses on emerging technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, telehealth and informatics applications for patient education, prevention, population health and clinical care.

  • JMIR Research Protocols is a unique Pubmed- and Scopus-indexed journal, publishing peer-reviewed, openly accessible research ideas and grant proposals, study and trial protocols, reports of ongoing research, current methods and approaches, and preliminary results from pilot studies or formative research informing the design of medical and health-related research and technology innovations.

  • i-JMR is a general medical journal with a focus on innovation in health, health care, and medicine - through new medical techniques and innovative ideas and/or research, including—but not limited to—technology, clinical informatics, sociotechnical and organizational health care innovations, or groundbreaking research.

  • JMU has a focus on health and biomedical applications in mobile and tablet computing, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, wearable computing and domotics.

  • MIR Serious Games is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to computer/web/virtual reality/mobile applications that incorporate elements of gaming, gamification or novel hardware platforms such as virtual reality headsets or Microsoft Kinect to solve serious problems such as health behavior change, physical exercise promotion (exergaming), medical rehabilitation, diagnosis and treatment of psychological/psychiatric disorders, medical education, health promotion, teaching and education, or social change. The journal also considers commentary and research in the fields of video game violence and video game addiction.

  • JMIR Medical Informatics focuses on the challenges and impacts of clinical informatics, digitalization of care processes, clinical and health data pipelines from acquisition to reuse, including: semantics, natural language processing, natural interactions, meaningful analytics and decision support, electronic health records, infrastructures, implementation, and evaluation.

  • JMIR Human Factors is a multidisciplinary journal with contributions from design experts, medical researchers, engineers, and social scientists.

  • JMIR Mental Health has a focus on digital health/digital psychiatry/digital psychology/e-mental health, covering Internet/mobile interventions, technologies and electronic innovations (software and hardware) for mental health, including addictions, online counselling and behaviour change. This includes formative evaluation and system descriptions, theoretical papers, review papers, viewpoint/vision papers, and rigorous evaluations related to digital psychiatry, e-mental health, and clinical informatics in psychiatry/psychology.

  • JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies focuses on the development and evaluation of rehabilitation and assistive technologies, including assistive living.

  • JMIR Medical Education (JME) focuses on technology, innovation and openness in medical education. This includes e-learning and virtual training, which in the (post-)COVID world has gained critical relevance. The journal is also interested in the training of health professionals in the usage of digital tools. It publish original research, reviews, viewpoint and policy papers on innovation and technology in medical education. As an open access journal, it has special interest in open and free tools and digital learning objects for medical education, and urge authors to make their tools and learning objects freely available (we may also publish them as a Multimedia Appendix). It also invites submissions of non-conventional articles (eg, open medical education material and software resources that are not yet evaluated but free for others to use/implement).

  • JMIR Cancer focuses on education, innovation and technology in cancer care, cancer survivorship and cancer research, and participatory and patient-centred approaches. This journal also includes research on non-Internet approaches to improve cancer care and cancer research.

  • JMIR Public Health & Surveillance is a multidisciplinary journal with a unique focus on the intersection of innovation and technology in public health, and includes topics like public health informatics, surveillance (surveillance systems and rapid reports), participatory epidemiology, infodemiology and infoveillance, digital disease detection, digital epidemiology, electronic public health interventions, mass media/social media campaigns, health communication, and emerging population health analysis systems and tools.

  • JMIR Diabetes focuses on technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, informatics and patient education for diabetes prevention, self-management, care, and cure, to help people with diabetes.

  • JMIR Biomedical Engineering (JBME) is a new sister journal of JMIR focusing on the application of engineering principles, technologies, and medical devices to medicine and biology.

  • JMIR Cardio covers electronic / digital health approaches in cardiology and for cardiovascular health, which includes ehealth and mhealth approaches for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular conditions.

  • JMIR Formative Research publishes results from process evaluations, feasibility/pilot studies and other kinds of formative research and preliminary results. While the original focus was on the design of medical- and health-related research and technology innovations, JMIR Formative Research publishes studies from all areas of medical and health research.

  • JMIR Dermatology (JDerm) focuses on all topics related to diseases of the skin, hair, and nails, with special emphasis on technologies for information exchange, education, and clinical care. While JDerm has strength in digital health and innovation in Dermatology, it is also a general dermatology journal and we welcome submissions from any part of the discipline.

  • JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting (JPP) has a unique focus on technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, informatics applications for patient/parent education, training, counselling, behavioral interventions, preventative interventions and clinical care for pediatric and adolescent populations or child-parent dyads. JPP recognizes the role of patient- and parent-centered approaches in the 21st century using information and communication technologies to optimize pediatric and adolescent health outcomes.

  • JMIR Aging focuses on technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, informatics applications and patient education for medicine and nursing, education, preventative interventions and clinical care / home care for elderly populations. In addition, aging-focused big data analytics using data from electronic health record systems, health insurance databases, federal reimbursement databases (e.g. U.S. Medicare and Medicaid), and other large databases are also welcome.

  • JMIR Perioperative Medicine focuses on technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, informatics and patient education for perioperative medicine and nursing, including pre- and post-operative education, preventative interventions and clinical care for surgery and anaesthesiology patients, as well as informatics applications in anesthesia, surgery, critical care and pain medicine.

  • JMIR Nursing focuses on original research related to the paradigm change in nursing due to information technology and the shift towards preventative, predictive, personal medicine,

  • A multidisciplinary journal to publish open datasets for analysis and re-analysis.

  • GigaScience is an open access, open data, open peer-review journal focusing on ‘big data’ research from the life and biomedical sciences. We publish ALL research objects (data, software tools and workflows) from 'big data' studies across the entire spectrum of life and biomedical sciences, and submissions have to contain and build upon open data and software which can be hosted in our GigaDB repository or other subject specific databases.

  • GigaByte is focused on publishing short, focused, data-driven articles using a publishing platform that will allow nearly immediate and continuous online publication on acceptance as well as an ability to update published articles. Publishling Data Release articles that highlight and contextualize exceptional and openly available datasets, and Technical Release articles presenting an open-source software tool or an experimental or computational method for the analysis or handling of research data.

  • Telehealth and Medicine Today (THMT) is an open access international peer reviewed journal examining the value of telehealth and clinical automation, its use and scalable developments, clinical informatics, business process guidance, immersive patient experiences, market research, and the economic impact of digital health innovations in advancing value based care across the care continuum.

    When submitting refereed preprints to THMT, authors should provide links to the peer review reports in their cover letter. For articles that are accepted, authors of refereed preprints will receive a 10% waiver on the journals APC

  • Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY) is the leading international open access journal that amplifies and disseminates distributed ledger technology research and innovations in the healthcare information systems, clinical computing, network technologies and biomedical sciences.

    Fields of interest include leveraging data science tools and techniques, health information systems interoperability, consent mechanisms, privacy preservation, security of health data, clinical support and clinical trials management, supply chain management, revenue cycle automation, immersive technologies, DAOs, tokenomics, and failed experiments in this specialty field of research.

    When submitting refereed preprints to BHTY, authors should provide links to the peer review reports in their cover letter. For articles that are accepted, authors of refereed preprints will receive a 10% waiver on the journals APC.

Interested in a partnership?

Fill in the form to discuss a partnership or to learn more about PeerRef.

We are open to partnerships with most journals, and partnerships can begin as a trial.